South Asian Artist Mueen Saheed is an award winning Abstract Narrative Expressionist and Jewellery designer, known for his bold use of colour and evocative forms. He is well known both in his native Sri Lanka and internationally, and his work has found ardent collectors of art globally among high profile individuals, including the Sultan of Brunei, the Malaysian Prime Minister and other prominent International and Sri Lankan Art collectors. Mueen's art is influenced by a number of factors, including his Sri Lankan heritage, a past life in crafting jewellery, History, Mysticism, Rhythm and personal philosophies of his portrait subjects.
Mueen is the recipient of many awards and recognition for his work in the arts, including the JA Jewel Award (New York 1996), The Golden Apple Award for Innovation (New York, 2001) and most recently an Award for innovative Entrepreneurship from the Chamber of Commerce, Colombo.
Mueen has exhibited extensively at group and solo exhibitions in Delhi, Colombo, The Maldives, Oxford, Florence, Paris, and Bordeaux, and his works are in prominent collections globally.